2008/05/05 00:00:00 2008/05/05 01:00:00 01:23:52 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 01:28:59 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 01:29:17 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 2008/05/05 02:00:00 02:27:21 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 02:32:17 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 02:32:25 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 02:38:44 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 02:40:36 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 02:40:53 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 02:43:59 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 2008/05/05 03:00:00 2008/05/05 04:00:00 2008/05/05 05:00:00 2008/05/05 06:00:00 2008/05/05 07:00:00 2008/05/05 08:00:00 2008/05/05 09:00:00 09:17:05 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 2008/05/05 10:00:00 10:19:04 ! yuh_o_Zzz ("Leaving..") 2008/05/05 11:00:00 11:38:02 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 11:39:05 ! yuh_o_Zzz ("Leaving..") 2008/05/05 12:00:00 2008/05/05 13:00:00 2008/05/05 14:00:00 2008/05/05 15:00:00 2008/05/05 16:00:00 2008/05/05 17:00:00 17:28:31 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 17:28:49 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 2008/05/05 18:00:00 2008/05/05 19:00:00 19:05:22 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 19:08:13 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 19:08:28 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 19:13:15 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 19:17:28 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 19:17:35 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 2008/05/05 20:00:00 20:10:55 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 20:11:54 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 20:12:08 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 20:27:06 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 20:28:33 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 20:28:45 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 2008/05/05 21:00:00 21:46:52 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 21:47:15 <#豆満江:yuh_o_Zzz> うに 21:47:43 <#豆満江:yuh_o_Zzz> 10日に記念祭行こうと思うが、誰か行くかの? 21:51:17 ! yuh_o_Zzz (Ping timeout) 21:51:28 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 21:52:31 + yuh_o_Zz_(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 21:54:37 ! yuh_o_Zzz (Ping timeout) 2008/05/05 22:00:00 22:29:31 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 22:31:02 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 22:31:09 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 22:38:43 ! yuh_o_Zz_ (Ping timeout) 22:40:38 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 22:45:00 + yuh_o_Zz_(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 22:45:09 ! yuh_o_Zzz (Ping timeout) 22:48:34 ! yuh_o_Zz_ (Ping timeout) 22:49:09 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 22:52:40 ! yuh_o_Zzz (Ping timeout) 22:57:17 + yuh_o_Zzz(~kiryuh@ to #豆満江 2008/05/05 23:00:00 23:06:01 ! yuh_o_Zzz (Ping timeout) 23:38:59 ! CF_lbrt (Ping timeout) 23:41:37 + CF_lbrt(~CF_lbrt@galileo.zs.kngw.niu.ne.jp) to #豆満江 23:41:44 Mode by log_bar: #豆満江 +o CF_lbrt 2008/05/06 00:00:01 end